When I Was Your Man

I needed a song about regret…and this was the only one that came to mind. In this song, Bruno Mars is singing about his regret in not making the right decisions while in a relationship was the love of his life. He waited till it was too late and realized what he had when it was gone. The regret was so great that he wrote a powerful and emotional song about it. Now, I have a regret and its strong enough to write a blog post about it. I regret not applying for a semester abroad exchange in university. Lets look at this trip abroad as the man I could have had but let go. I thought of all of the negatives: too expensive, away from family, I know no one, different school, out of my comfort zone, too much money… Now that I look back on my decision, I kind of regret it. I let the one opportunity I had to learn in a different country go for foolish reasons. I have only ever lived in Toronto, and in Quebec for a bit, so I haven’t really had the opportunity to go anywhere else, nor do I think that I will have this opportunity again. So, just like Bruno Mars, I did not see what I had in front of me at the time and I may never get it back. But I have to look at the possibility for other opportunities in the future and conquer them as they come. So instead of “When I Was Your Man”, it should be, “When I had the chance to fly but let the fear of heights stunt me”.

Story of My Life

I have’t listened to a One Direction song  in…how long? A long time, because teen pop just really isn’t my thing these days. But for some reason, I really liked this song. It’s different from the typical teen pop music that we’re used to hearing; it seems to have a symbolism and a meaning. It seems like a real declaration of love, and its such a genuine song too. I just think its so sweet and cute. Its also the perfect valentines day song. So, Happy Valentines Day to all ♥ and I hope that you all find someone to make the story of your life so much better!!!


Drunk In Love

I don’t usually enjoy Beyonce’s music, but when I do, its probably a really good song. Drunk In Love is actually very different from the sound I’m used to hearing from her. She infused hiphop, R&B and electronic elements into this song and I really like it. I must admit that Jay-Z’s rap was the best part of this song. He saved the song, kind of in the same way he did with Justin Timberlake’s Suit and Tie. This song makes me want to dance…which is what I am going to do now: stop blogging about this and actually go and listen to it.